NUCLEAR RADATATION RESPECTS NO BOUNDARIES. But we humans, following the universal trifecta wisdom of differentiation, unity and community DO RESPECT boundaries. We uphold healthy boundaries for humanity's sake, unlike nuclear radiation.
The Prayer-Gadget is a two-gigabyte vehicle which includes snippets of tiny bits of the massive history of prayer activities focused on the love and protection of the desert ecosystem in the Mojave, Newene Sogobia, the Great Basin and Southern Nevada. This tiny object is merely the tip of the pyramid-iceberg when it comes to summarizing and magnifying the heritage of prayer-actions at Creech and the NNSS. This prayer-gadget is a tool you can enjoy, something you can use to further the prayer-work of healing relationships and renewing the face of the earth.
The Prayer-Gadget is a special gift, given to the participants of NDE's events, and includes up-to-date photos (within 35 hours prior to reception of the Prayer-Gadget) from the recent NDE event when participants can take their Prayer-Gadgets home with them.
The following are the contributors--the donating artists and technicians--those who enabled the current iteration of the Prayer-Gadget to be manifest into the hands of NDE participants.
The list includes links to the contributors' other works:
Jesse Manibusan, Used With Permission
John & Mary Ellen Nowell (from the Bathroom Tapes), Used With Permission
Robert Majors (, Used With Permission
Vera Anderson (, Used With Permission
Eileen and the In-Betweens, Used With Permission
Jim & Jean Strathdee, Used With Permission
Katholic Worker Community RadioThorn Coyle, Used With Permission
Katherine Parent (translating from Norwegian origin: Nordahl Grieg/Otto Mortesen, with help from Joe Davis, Shane Leonard, and SEE MORE PERSPECTIVE on percussion), Used With Permission
Alzara Getz, Used With Permission
Clan Dyken , Used With Permission
Daniel Berrigan, Peter Ediger,
Corbin Harney (all deceased, R.I.P.), WITH Corbin being courtesy of Gregor Gable of Ongoing Peace Camp and Shundahai Network. Used With Permission